Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Star by H.G. Wells Free Essay Example, 1250 words

According to Martian astronomers, the Earth s survival was a real miracle despite the huge havoc that has been brought to its surface (Wells). The star did much hard to the planet and the humanity: Extensive areas of Greenland lost its ice cover and turned green and favorable for inhabiting, the Earth s climate has greatly changed and now people have to settle close to poles where it is much warmer than in other regions. The author underlines that these significant and terrible changes which caused millions of deaths all around the world, were just a small and minor event for the Universe where thousands of planets and stars perish every day Which only shows how small the vastest of human catastrophes may seem, at a distance of a few million miles (Wells). Another strong idea placed in the center of this story is non-divine nature of the universe in general and our planet in particular. The author vividly shows that all the events occurring in the world whether it is the death of a civilization or some minor accidents can be scientifically grounded and explained, and which is more, they can be predicted based on bold calculations and analysis. We will write a custom essay sample on The Star by H.G. Wells or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page There is nothing ready-made in the world everything depends on people. The science puts the responsibility on every individual it is he or she who is responsible for own life. And with this message Wells says that we must live our lives in such a way so that in the event the Earth and the humanity perish no one in the whole Universe could say that Man has lived in vain.

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